You can hear many things when you are not listening -- Sale on fresh meat! 2 Premium Steaks 100% off! Please take them! We don't want them anymore! CALL NOW!!! -- Is everything okay? -- Bruno Mars Coming Out Concert this December! Don't miss his gay debut! Tickets on sale on Ebay.Com -- There are spies in your cabinet and they didn't like the snacks you bought -- Check in next week to find out which Nostradamus prophecy is going to happen before the holidays


Welcome! If you're wondering where you are, I'm afraid I don't have any answers.

However, I do have plenty of words to say. I hope to store some of them here. I produce a lot of sentences but tend to overheat if they don't get put somewhere, so here is where the sludge shall get stored. Perhaps some grubby trash divers will delight in their discoveries. Or maybe they'll get covered in substances better left unnamed. If this appeals to you, explore further! If not, well I doubt you made it this far anyways.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

I could ask you the same thing.

Where are we?

On the internet, of course!

What's the point?

To love, I think. That's what my goldfish would say.

Please tell us more!

That's not really a question, but since you were so polite here's a list of basic facts:

  • Full name: Camera Lens
  • Biggest phobia: Being watched
  • Favorite phobia: Gamophobia
  • Occupation: Undecided
  • Mortal flaw: Cowardice
  • Deepest shame: Sigh